Three Decisions I took during the Quarantine

It was a typical Quarantine Sunday afternoon, I sat down in bed and started looking through my old photographs as a teenager to kill some time. It's always nice to look back in time and analyze the path that made you who you are today and compare it to where you'd want to be in the future. I've gradually realized how I've changed as a person. The differences between now and then. I'm definitely at a place I dreamt of being at professionally, but, the most striking to me was how unfit and unhealthy I've become with the years. I was devastated at how I let my fitness down... at how I got so comfortable in that lazy bubble of mine and got so absorbed by it. What happened to the fit, strong, flexible old me? My body aches have dramatically increased in the last 2 years. I thought If this is where I'm at today what have I left for 30 years from now. It was a turning point and funny it happened on a Sunday which allowed me to start fresh on Monday the 6th of A...