Why Anesthesia?
Hello, and Welcome to my Blog,
I'm E a PGY-1 anesthesiology resident.
I thought I'd tell you a bit more about how I took my decision in choosing anesthesia as
my specialty. I’ll be quite honest It took me until my last few months of
medical school to finally make up my mind and choose a residency program.
I will guide you through the 5 main
reasons why I took this path:
It might sound shallow as a newly
graduating MD to say: Well, I chose Lifestyle first. But I'm not ashamed to
say, after my 7 years of hard and consistent studying in medical school and
being someone who has a multitude of interests, I thought 10 years from now I
would probably thank myself had I chosen a specialty that won't constrict my
time as much as others and allows me to focus on the many areas I enjoy besides
medicine. In anesthesia, I was attracted to how organized one's life can be:
Come early, do your cases, go home and be at peace from non-remitting phone calls
and complaints (unless you're on call, of course). I was keen on the concept of
hard and efficient work when on duty and actual break and relaxation when off
duty which happens to be a luxury in some specialties.
A mix of Surgery and Internal Medicine
I was this medical student that was
quite tormented. I enjoyed the internal medicine rotations as much as I enjoyed
the surgical ones. In surgical specialties, I felt I deviated away from the
systemic management of a patient whereas in Internal Medicine the latter was
our focus most of the time and it lacked the interventional aspect which I was
quite fond of. In anesthesia, I found this ideal balance of OR life,
Interventions, and systemic management of a patient. It was the cocktail with
the right amount of each.
It definitely feels good to know
your specialty and training will allow you to be one of the strongest
specialists in a hospital. Ready and knowledgeable to deal with acute and
urgent scenarios. I actually contemplated other specialties with
similar characteristics at some point, but they lacked this part which truly is
essential to me as a physician. I wouldn’t feel satisfied knowing that my
training doesn’t allow me to be hands on and confident in managing the really
difficult cases, the life-saving events.
The most enjoyable part. Procedures:
IV lines, central lines, intubations, spinals, epidurals, nerve blocks. I took
an elective in my last year of medical school, which allowed me to focus more
on becoming more adept in procedures and it was the best decision I made. I
really take pleasure in performing them, following each step and
troubleshooting. I believe this point brings out the surgical side of me that I
believe I tend to shine in. I’m someone that enjoys being hands-on and I find
myself to be quite dexterous. I believe it stems from my hobbies of playing
instruments and painting since childhood.
I might consider a subspecialty in chronic
pain, but even if I end up deviating, there is no denying that one of the
greatest feelings a physician can feel is alleviating the pain of their
patient. Make them stress-free, pain-free, and able to go through treatment
successfully. In anesthesia, you are trained to make sure your patient is pain-free which I believe is essential in the overall wellbeing of patients.
This concludes my 5 main reasons
which were the basis of my specialty decision. I hope they bring in some level of
insight for I know how troublesome one’s life can be before choosing a path that
will dictate your life forever.
Best of Luck,
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